Arrive. Breathe. Feel good.



The yoga practice can be dynamic or calm, more active or more passive. It's not about taking the most fancy yoga posture. Rather, it is about attentive practice, listening to the voice of the body.

Tensions are released, the body becomes more powerful and flexible in a gentle way. The mind calmer and more focused.


Yoga as a Path

I would also be happy to accompany you individually 1:1. In addition to physical exercises, there are practices from yoga teachings that can be incorporated into daily life. Integral yoga promotes health and leads to more harmony, joy, inner peace, resilience, strength and energy. 

All is energy

Our body is flooded and surrounded by invisible energy. Our energy field, our aura, radiates from the inside to the outside and is in constant exchange with the environment. Foreign energies also influence ourselves. Energetic bodywork regenerates your body, clarifies and strengthens you and your energy.


I look forward to see you, in Hamburg or online, Doro.

make an appointment

Born in 1982 in the Rhineland, I was drawn out into the world in my early 20s, into the cruise and international hotel industry. As an employee and manager in the spa & wellness sector, in business development and human resources. Further training and education: Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Ayuryoga, Anusara Yoga Immersion, Fascia Training, Reiki, Mental Training.